Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
Forging ahead, create future together!
4) Measure the direction voltage of that axis with a multimeter. Check if the direction is
One axis motor does not move after handle power up
1) Pulse cable and direction cable connect oppositely, adjust connection sequence..
2) 5V common anode end of the motor driver disconnected, check the connection.
3) The motor driver is broken (Performance as the motor moves when push it by hand),
change a new one.
4) The interface chip of the interface board is broken, no pulse signal output.
5) Switch this terminal with another normal terminal to check interface board abnormal
or driver abnormal.
Screen is not bright after power up, but connect the handle to computer with USB
cable the screen displays normally
1) The DC24V voltage of the handle is not available. Check if the DC24V power supply
voltage output is normal or not. If normal, please check if the cable from the power
supply to the interface board is virtual connection.
2) The 50-
pin cable is broken or 50 pin connecting plug hasn‟t connected well.
Screen is not bright neither after power up nor connect to computer by USB cable
1) This phenomenon may due to the handle shocked by external force or fall on the
ground, causing the crystal processor broken. Return back to repair.
2) Users connect high voltage power supply to the interface board and cause the handle
and interface board broken. Return back to repair.
The screen display
“Spindle on”, actually the spindle off; the screen display
“Spindle off”, actually the spindle on
1) Line fault. Spindle on signal and COM port is short circuit. Check circuit line.
2) The output level definition reversed.
Go to the “voltage setup” and modify the output
level definition (modify the left first arrow direction in the second row).