Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
Forging ahead, create future together!
have no problem. Check if there is something wrong with interface board or 50-pin
cable. If it is still not moving, it is necessary to detect the corresponding drive and
2) If all axes are not moving, firstly, check if there are problems in the 50-pin cable and
interface board,; secondly, if the interface board and 50-pin cable are normal, then
user should check the power supply of the motor drivers.
3) If debugged all above parts, but the machine still not move, then the mechanical parts
should be checked.
It is normal to the move from one position to another position, but when return from
that position to the original position is not normal
Mechanical assembly problem, guide screw may be not installed well.
Motor moving direction is wrong
1) Exchange A+&A- or B+&B- cable of the stepper motor
2) Change motor direction mask (not recommend)
The machine vibrates when moves in arc or two-axis linkage movement
Check whether the machine is placed horizontally
Check if the coupling units loose or not.
Increasing the “start speed”, avoid the resonance point.
PS2.3 Electrical components and wiring problem
A single axis or multi axis can only in one direction after machine power on
1) There is something wrong with the connecting between the interface board and motor
driver common anode end, check the connection.
2) Interface board is broken. Replace the interface board.
3) The motor driver is broken. Replace the driver.