Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
Forging ahead, create future together!
The cursor is on
“X speed”, Press “
” to the one needs to be modified, and
press “
” then input new value, and next press “
” to confirm; Press
” to exit the settings. If the input value is wrong, press “
” to delete the last
number and then input new numbers.
To ensure the accuracy of processing and debugging, the system introduces the
concept of „grid‟ which also called „minimum feed‟. Precision can reach to 0.001mm. When
user switch to “STEP” mode, and press the direction keys of X, Y, Z axis, machine will
move by grid distance.
“Fast speed” mode setting is the same to “Slow speed” mode.
Manual processing mode
The system provides 3 manual movement modes: Continue, step, distance. User
could press “
” under manual mode to switch manual movement mode and view
the current movement mode through the screen bottom display status.
1) Continue (Continuous motion mode)
No specific data control, user could press motion direction key of each axis (
) the machine will move accordingly until the key is released. The motion
speed is determined by current manual speed mode.
2) Step motion mode
In step mode, move 1 grid every half second. The grid distance is determined by the