Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
Forging ahead, create future together!
current speed mode. It is suitable for precise adjusting the cutter or fine adjusting the
location of the mechanical coordinate.
3) Distance motion mode
It runs a certain distance according to the setting. Press motion direction keys (
), the machine will move accordingly.
The movement will be carried out according to the current speed mode
and the set distance, it is not affect by the „grid‟, so it will not stop on grid point. To change
the distance value, triple press “
” re-enter the „Distance‟ value setting.
Manual testing input and output
Under the initial boot interface, pressing “
", the screen will displays as follow,
1) IptCheck(Manual test input ports)
From left to right are respectively represent: X HOME, Y HOME, Z HOME, tool setting,
servo driver alarm, hard limit, emergency stop and foot switch. The port definitions will be
a little different in individual custom system.
I/O Detection
Volt Lvl