Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
Forging ahead, create future together!
Press “
” to enter the scan mill set, it includes: Scan type, Width, Height,
Diameter, Depth, Z Step, T Ratio.
3) Press “
”to move cursor on the option which need modify, press “
” to
choose mill type(AC or C), also press this button to modify the parameters. Press
” after modified all the parameters to save them.
Auto Center
Auto Center is to determine the central of the connection between two points which is
used to find the central point of the workpiece embryo.
The specific steps of Auto Centre are as follows (X axis)
Press “
”to enter into the interface of “Auto Center”, select MidPntAxis.
Manually move the tool to one side of the workpiece, press “
" to record the
first point , after recording success the screen display as below.
2) Then manually move the tool to the other side of the workpiece, press “
" to
record the second point , after recording success the screen display as below.
The operation of Y axis and Z axis is same of X axis.
Auto Center
First point record completed
X MidPoint
Y MidPoint