Chapter 3
pcProx Playback Tab
The pcProx Playback USB device reads the user data placed in the contactless card and delivers these
keystrokes to the location of the cursor on the screen. The pcProx Playback RS-232 device reads the
user data placed in the contactless card and delivers these ASCII characters to serial port at 9600
baud, 8 data bits, 1 Stop bit, and no parity.
To use this section, you MUST have either pcProx Playback reader attached (USB or RS-232). Most
USB ports and adaptors will support the pcProx Writer and pcProx Playback reader attached at the
same time. For Playback 232, this application automatically searches COM ports 1-4. The LED will
light up when attached provided there is enough power.
Support is provided for iCLASS and MIFARE Playback readers. In the Playback for MIFARE context,
blocks are considered Sectors. There is no meaning for Pages, Application Areas or Books.
You must configure the proper locations (i.e. where you encoded the data in the card) into
the pcProx Playback reader prior to using.