Chapter 1
The Basics
Card Compatibility
Contactless iCLASS
There are three iCLASS memory choices as shown in the below table. Users can add keystrokes and
credentials into any of the fields (pre-keystrokes, credential x, or post keystrokes) as all are saved the
same way on the card.
: Overwriting the boundaries of memory as dictated by the card choice is not permitted.
The below table illustrates the limits.
The actual byte count is shown in the Card Manager software in the field labeled
Card Memory Configuration
Credential 1 Max Count
Credential 2 Max Count
2k bit 2 application
48 bytes
48 bytes
16k bit 2 application
48 bytes
1,800 bytes
16k bit 16 application
48 bytes
48 bytes
Contactless MIFARE Card Choices
There are two MIFARE contactless memory choices as shown below. You can actually put keystrokes
and credentials into any of the fields (pre-keystrokes, credential x, or post keystrokes) as all are saved
the same way on the card. You cannot overwrite the boundaries of memory as dictated by the card
The below table illustrates the limits.
The actual byte count is shown in the Card Manager software in the field labeled
Card Memory Configuration
Credential 1 Max Count
Credential 2 Max Count
1K Bytes
3 Blocks 48bytes
3 Blocks 48bytes
4K Bytes
3 Blocks 48bytes
3 Blocks 48bytes
Reader Configuration Purposes
The method of encoding data on a card and transmitting data to the reader differs accordingly to
each technology involved. The reader itself is not aware of the makeup of the card data format or
access privileges for the cardholder. This information is only accessible through the configuration
process of the reader utilizing the supplied software.
The reader is very flexible and may need to be configured in order to present an exact desired
output for the user, such as, singling out FAC or ID, obtaining a desired base (i.e. decimal, lowercase,
uppercase, hexadecimal).