Connect Tab
The connect section is used to perform the initial connection between either RF IDeas’ pcProx Writer,
or one of HID’s wall mount read/write RS-232 readers such as the RW400, and the pcProx Card
Manager software. It is also used to describe the type of data you will be writing to the card: USB
keystrokes or RS-232 /Wiegand characters. You may have the pcProx Playback USB reader attached
to another USB port at the same time but no connection to the pcProx Playback reader is established
under the Connect check boxes on this screen.
Connect pcProx Writer USB or RS-232
First, attach the pcProx Writer to your PCs (RS-232 or USB) port. The pcProx Writer’s LED should be
Next, if using the RDR-7080AKU iCLASS compatible Writer, place either a 2k BDG-2000 or any of
the 16k bit iCLASS (BDG-2001 or BDG-2002) cards on the top of the reader. If using the
RDR-7580AKU MIFARE compatible Writer, place either a 1k or 4k MIFARE contactless card on the
top of the reader.
It is important to lay the card completely across the face of the pcProx Writer during the encoding
operation. Placing the card on an angle may inhibit the writing operation.
The Card Manager will automatically detect either the USB or RS-232 pcProx Writer reader by simply
selecting the ‘Connect to pcProx Writer USB or RS-232’ checkbox.
Connect HID RS-232 Read/Write Reader
First, attach the HID read/write reader to your PC’s RS-232 port and make sure the power adaptor is
attached and the LED is
Next, place either a 2k BDG-2000 or any of the 16k bit iCLASS (BDG-2001 or BDG-2002) cards on
the top of the reader.
For either method of connection made, the LED will light
for approximately 2 seconds and than
go back to
. This is normal. If you remove the iCLASS card for 2-3 seconds, and replace it, the LED
will return to
for 2 seconds.
Chapter 3