back end systems. Users will simply “write” the numeric data into the contactless smart card and the
solution is ready to deploy.
The pcProx Card Manager allows users to:
1. Organize user data into specific card memory locations. (See section labeled ‘Card
Organization Forms’)
2. Decide if keystrokes or ASCII characters should be stored within the card, or stored within the
pcProx Playback reader.
3. Write user data (credential, swipe card, or other identification information) along with any
keystrokes or ASCII characters, to individual locations on a contactless card (when using the
pcProx Writer).
4. Configure the pcProx Playback reader to use existing data (if your contactless cards have
ASCII data that has been previously written) to output as desired.
5. Configure the pcProx Playback reader to access a desired location on a card.
: If you have multiple applications, you will need to create individual pcProx Playback files (*.PLB) describing
each of these locations (called Card Context). The Playback files are used to dynamically reconfigure the pcProx
Playback reader to retrieve another application credential or identification set from the contactless smart card. To
do this, you can use the ‘Auto-Run’ mode as command-line options and shortcuts such as:
C:\Program Files\RF IDeas, Inc\RFID1356i\pcProxCardman.exe” magstripe.plb.
6. Create hot keys or batch files that can be used to launch the dynamic configuration together
with the associated application.
The pcProx Playback reader is configured to retrieve the data at various locations within the card. It is
therefore possible to write many different identification and security access requirements within
the card. The reader can be configured to retrieve a specific section off the card. Since the Playback
reader may be configured as needed (see ‘Auto-Run Operation’ section), you can use your card for
multiple purposes at a desktop.
pcProx Card Manager Utility
Install the pcProx Card Manager by running the pcProxCardMgr.exe setup program. This will install
the pcProx Card Manager software along with the necessary components as required by Windows.
This application is supported under Windows 2000 and XP. Once installed, use the Windows “Start –
All Programs” to locate and run the pcProx Card Manager Software application.
Chapter 3