Chapter 3
If you need to free the location for another application, simply use the ‘Clear Keys’ button. This will
write the default keys to the card allowing others to use the card.
Clear Keys
You can free the page by pressing the ‘Clear Card’ button. This writes the default keys back to the
card and frees this location for another application. When a Clear Card is issued, it is important to
realize that the entire Application Area (1 or 2) for this Page is cleared including all blocks within this
Application Area.
See the ‘Memory Map’ section for more details on card locations.
The below example shows that Page 0 has been cleared.
Writing Credentials
Once a card has been confirmed as available, the card can then be “written” to. The next step is to
enter keystrokes and credentials that would normally be typed to perform the log-on to the operating
system or application.
This section makes the assumption that you already have an established username/password
credential that is in use with an application and/or operating system. There are two examples provided: a
one-factor and a two-factor authentication. Following the examples is a discussion of how to increase the
security using this technology.
The ‘
Card Data and Keystrokes
’ section is broken into two primary sets of fields labeled
Credential 1 and Credential 2. Each set is broken up into 3 fields: ‘Pre keystrokes’, ‘Credential’ and
‘Post keystrokes. While you may enter data or keystrokes into any of the fields, it is organized
this way to help you think in terms of getting the cursor into the correct field when delivering the
credential to the field.
As a Log-On application you will use:
• Credential 1 as the Username, and
• Credential 2 as either a portion of the Password, or the entire Password.