File Menu
There are several types of files maintained by the pcProx Card Manager. These file templates are
useful in preparing additional cards, retrieving the contents of a card already written, or working with
the Playback configuration.
Below is a screen shot showing the choices.
Template (*.crd) files hold the pre- and post keystrokes along with the Card Gone keystrokes. This is
useful for setting up multiple cards that will have the same surrounding keystrokes (i.e. pre and post
Choices: Open Template, Save Template (uses Default.crd, Save Template As..)
Credential files – These (*.cdd) files are created if the ‘Save Credential’ checkbox is selected. The
filename used is the ‘Card Serial Number’. The credential files hold all contents and parameters in the
pcProx for Log-On tab. This is useful to see what you wrote to a specific card.
Playback Files – The (*.plb) files hold the Card Context locations used by the Playback reader
to retrieve data from specific locations on the card. These files are useful for creating on-the-fly
configurations for the Playback reader (see Auto-Run section).
Chapter 3