3. If the motor is mounted more
than 100 feet from the
controller, install the optional
Encoder Isolation/Buffer Kit
(M/N 3EB1) between the
controller and the motor
4. Wire control and signal wiring
to the appropriate connector on
the face of the controller
hinged panel according to
connection diagram Figure
3-12. Refer to Figures 3-13 and
3-14 to identify connector pin
locations and Tables 3-2 and
3-3 for connector pin functions.
If optional motor encoder
circuit box is provided, use color
code information shown in Table
5. For 3CN and Encoder (Motor
MS) Connector Pin
Configurations, wire the
connection pins S and E per
Figure 3-14. Note that the
sensing terminal for the
encoder (P/S) needs 5 volts
D-C for proper operation.
Figure 3-12. Typical Connection Diagram.
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