REER S.p.A. - Via Carcano, 32 - 10153 Torino, Italy - Internet: - e-mail: [email protected]
8541205 - rev
.1 - 02/09/2019
Configuration software
“T” Muting
The activation of the Muting function occurs as a result of the interruption of the sensors S1 and S2
(the order is not relevant) within a time between 2s and 5s decided by the operator.
The status of Muting ends after the release of the gate.
If checked, it is possible to read the external
signal of "MUT_ENABLE" (Muting Enable). Otherwise, the
Muting function is always enabled. Enable can be of two types:
Enable/Disable and Enable Only. If you select it "Enable/
Disable" the Muting cycle cannot start if Enable is fixed at
24VDC or 0VDC but it is activated only with one rising edge, if
you want to disable the muting, the signal must be returned to
0VDC. In this way, the detected falling edge disables Muting in
any condition. If you select it "Enable only" there is no way to
disable Muting over the entire duration of the function, but you
must always return to 0VDC Enable to allow a new rising edge
for the next Muting cycle (refer to the "Partial Muting" section).
Muting Timeout:
Allows you to set the time, variable from 10
sec to infinity, within which the Muting cycle must end, if When
the cycle is not yet over, Muting is disabled immediately.
Sensor Filtering:
With non - homogeneous pallet materials
and possible "holes" in the interruption of the muting, this
parameter allows filtering in the fall of the sensor signal leaving
then the muting sequence unchanged. This parameter can be 500 ms or 1000 ms.
Position S2:
Position S2
parameter allows the operator to select the connector (blue or red) to which
the external Muting S2 sensor must be connected. The
connector must be selected using sensors
with output on a single connector. Using two separate sensors (with 2 connectors) the operator must select
Minimum sensor time:
If selected, it is only possible to activate Muting if a time > 150 ms elapses between
the activation of Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 (or Sensor 4 and Sensor 3).
External Lamp Control:
If selected, Muting lamp is compulsory.