7.4 Obtaining Work-list Information Directly from
the Instrument
The analysis of the work-list images can
only be done from the RIDA qLine® Soft,
but a copy of the images and event logs
from the last 8 work-lists can always be
accessed via the instrument. From the
, under the ‘Worklists’ category, there
is a ‘Worklist History’ option which takes
the user to the screen shown in Figure
35. From this screen, the user can select
a previously run work-list and export the
logs and images (if available) to a selected
USB device. Entries can be deleted by
pressing and holding down on the name
of the work-list that should be deleted.
When users save work-list history data to a USB device, folders are created with the
following structure:
An example of the data that is saved is included in Figure 36.
Figure 36:
An example of files that are saved when using the Worklist History tool
Figure 35:
The work-list history screen
that contains a single entry