RIDA qLine® autoBlot | User manual
7.2 Running a Work-list
If the user is able to see a screen similar to
what is shown in Figure 21, then they are
ready to start a worklist. By highlighting a
selected work-list and pressing start, the
user will be taken into the first screen on
the work-list set-up menu; here they will
find out how much volume is required for
each reagent, as shown in Figure 22.
Take note of these values Fill the required
volume into the RIDA qLine® autoBlot
Screw cap bottle 20 mL.
By navigating ahead by pressing the
‘navigate forward’ button (denoted by the
right-pointing arrow), the user will be taken
to a check-list which the user will need to
complete (see Figure 23); both by perfor-
ming the specified actions and ticking off
each item to confirm they have done the
specified task.
When all the tasks have been completed
and ticked, a new ‘navigate forward’
button will become enabled (see
Figure 24).
Figure 22:
The screen that informs the
user how much volume is required for
each reagent that is required by the
selected work-list
Figure 23:
An in-complete check-list