RIDA qLine® autoBlot | User manual
becomes empty, the verification passes and
automatically navigates to the next screen.
If the instrument scans the entire carousel
but still has entries in the ‘missing’ list at
the end, the sample verification will fail.
This will result in the instrument sounding
an alarm and showing an error pop-up.
When the user acknowledges the failed
verification, the screen resets itself with an
additional option to restart the scan after
they have resolved the issues. These issues
are usually that barcodes are missing, not
pointing outwards towards the scanner, or
are illegibly printed.
When the missing sample verification does
not encounter any issues and all samples
are detected, the main processing screen is
entered (see Figure 28). This is the core
screen that will be visible while the
instrument runs the protocol on the
troughs and samples; starts with pre-
washing and is then followed by sample
transfer and strip processing.
The processing screen has the following
properties: the name of the work-list, the
name of the current work-list step, a log of
all the past events that have happened
since the start of the processing, a button
Figure 27:
The screen that is shown while
the instrument searches for known sample
IDs within the carousel
Figure 28:
The initial view of the
main work-list processing screen