Rotor-Gene Q MDx CE User Manual 02/2022
Samples containing infectious agents
Some samples used with this instrument may contain infectious agents. Handle
such samples with the greatest of care and in accordance with the required
safety regulations.
Always wear safety glasses, 2 pairs of gloves, and a lab coat.
The responsible body (e.g., laboratory manager) must take the necessary
precautions to ensure that the surrounding workplace is safe, and that the
instrument operators are suitably trained and not exposed to hazardous levels
of infectious agents as defined in the applicable Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) or
Venting for fumes and disposal of wastes must be in accordance with all
national, state, and local health and safety regulations and laws.
* OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (United States of America).
ACGIH: American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (United States of America).
COSHH: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (United Kingdom).
Chemical safety
Hazardous chemicals
Some chemicals used with this instrument may be hazardous or may become
hazardous after completion of the protocol run. Always wear safety glasses,
gloves, and a lab coat. The responsible body (e.g., laboratory manager) must
take the necessary precautions to ensure that the surrounding workplace is safe
and that the instrument operators are not exposed to hazardous levels of toxic
substances (chemical or biological) as defined in the applicable Safety Data
Sheets (SDSs) or OSHA,* ACGIH
Venting for fumes and disposal of wastes must be in accordance with all
national, state, and local health and safety regulations and laws.
* OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (United States of America).
ACGIH: American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (United States of America).
COSHH: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (United Kingdom).