Rotor-Gene Q MDx CE User Manual 02/2022
Rotor-Discs and accessories can be ordered separately for use with the Rotor-Gene Q MDx. For
more details, see Section 16.
Repackaging and shipping the Rotor-Gene Q MDx
When repackaging the Rotor-Gene Q MDx for shipping, the original packaging materials must be
used. If the original packaging materials are not applicable, contact QIAGEN Technical Services.
Make sure that the instrument has been properly prepared (see Maintenance) prior to packing and
that is poses no biological or chemical hazard.
Getting started
Powering ON the Rotor-Gene Q MDx and workstation
Ensure that the Rotor-Gene Q is connected to the Notebook via USB or RS-232 and both Notebook
and Rotor-Gene Q are plugged and powered.