Configuring the MVI56-DNP Module
ControlLogix Platform
User Manual
DNP 3.0 Server
Page 42 of 171
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
July 21, 2011
# This section stores information about each slave to be used by the Master port. There must be
an entry in this table for each node to be used in the command list. Two of the parameters in this
list are coded values:
# Conf Mode
0=Never, 1=Sometimes and 2=Always (select 0)
# Flags is bit coded as follows:
# Bit 0 (decimal 1)
Enable the slave
# Bit 1 (decimal 2)
Use Unsolicited messaging with this slave
# Bit 2 (decimal 4)
Use delay measurement with this slave
# Bit 3 (decimal 8)
Auto time synchronization enabled
# Node DL Conf Conf Conf App Rsp
# Address Mode Timeout Retry Timeout Flags
[DNP Master Commands]
Definition of the commands to be issued to the IED
units by the DNP Master port.
# This section contains the list of commands to process on the Master port.
# Node addresses present in the command list must have an entry in the
#DNP Slave List]. Commands with nodes not present in the list will not be
# executed.
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
#Flags/ Node Data Data Cmd Device Point DNP DB IED DB Poll
#Enable Address Object Variation Func Address Count Address Address interval