Package PikoEval
Entwicklungshandbuch / Developer Manual PikoEval
Seite / Page 61 / 98
Version 8
Bordcomputer connected via RS232 to the Development unit
Connect the bordcomputer to the RS 232 interface of the Development unit by using a
„null-modem connection“. A Gender changer might be needed..
RS 232
connection bordcomputer
Figure 5: Connection RS232 Development unit
Set the baudrate of the bordcomputer to 38400,8,N,1 .
Now data can be requested from the RS 232 interface.
The following data are available on request:
Period from 27.09.2009 until 14.10.2009: Driver cards Slot1 and Slot2,
mass memory data with and without „detailed speed“ for this period
The request can be done e.g. with the following command:
Please keep in mind that the command has to be sent in one sequence and cannot be
typed in manually.
There is no broadcast implemented for this interface.
In addition to the CAN 2 interface there is a possibility to get as well all available data.
The request of FMS data is as well possible, e.g. by using the following command:
More details for the request of the data can be found in the interface description
API CAN / RS232.