Entwicklungshandbuch / Developer Manual PikoEval
Seite / Page 82 / 98
Version 8
Tachograph Card Slot1
Tachograph Card, Slot 1 shall be used to indicate the presence of a tachograph card in
driver slot of the recording unit, and shall provide:
data length: 1 byte;
1 type/bit;
operating range:
0 - tachograph card not present
(or card present, but type has not been
recognised by the recording unit)
1 - driver card present
2 - workshop card present
3 - control card present
4 - company card present
5 to 250 - not used
Date/Time UTC
Time Date shall be transmitted from the recording unit, i.e. all parameters shall be
supported, and shall contain:
data length: 6 byte;
byte 1 seconds
0,25 s/bit gain, 0 s offset
operating range:
0 to 59,75 s
byte 2 minutes
1 min/bit gain, 0 min offset
operating range:
0 to 59 min
byte 3 hours
1 h/bit gain, 0 h offset
operating range:
0 to 23 h
byte 4 month
1 month/bit gain, 0 month offset
operating range:
1 to 12 month
NOTE: A value of 0 for the month is null.
The value 1 identifies January; 2 identifies February; etc.
byte 5 day
0,25 day/bit gain, 0 day offset
operating range:
0,25 to 31,75 day
1) A value of 0 for the date is null.
The values 1, 2, 3, and 4 are used to identify the first
day of the month;
5, 6, 7, 8 identify the second day of the month, etc.
2) This parameter does not influence or change the
hours parameter above.