10 - 12
Verify the input with the
enter key
The cursor jumps to selection of loading point (LP: AUT).
Select manual input of loading point, for example, by pressing the
plus key
(LP: MAN).
Verify input with the
enter key
Input the setting for the loading point according to the length of the guide blade in use
(e.g. LOADING POINT: 155).
Verify input with the
enter key
The cursor jumps to input of the starting point (STARTING POINT: 0).
Input the setting for the starting point, e.g. 0.
Verify input with the
enter key
Depending on the required seam pattern, start- and finish backtacks, stitch condensation
at beginning and end of seam, angle seams, basting seams and n can be input using the
corresponding function keys.
Examples of how to make up seams
In the following a number of examples are given to explain how to input seams for different
Single-pointed darts
Basic guide blade size: 155 x 10 mm (length x depth).
The guide blade can be used for different dart shapes and sizes. To achieve this, the depth
of the guide blade must be suitable for the smallest dart depth, and its length for the
longest dart length.
Max. dart length
length of guide blade (here, e.g.: 155 mm)
Min. dart depth
depth of guide blade + 1.5 mm (here: 11.5 mm)
Max. dart depth
depth of guide blade + 1.5 mm + 40 mm (here: 51.5 mm)