Connected HART device(s)
It is recommended that the connected HART device is commissioned before the adapter. In
addition to the device set-up the following HART parameters must be set:
HART address: Sets the output mode of the device (0 = 4 ... 20 mA;
1 ... 15 = HART)
If the device is connected to an existing 4...20 mA loop, use the
address = 0!
Otherwise use address = 1 for HART multidrop mode with a 4 mA current output.
If more than one HART device is connected (up to 4 are allowed if externally
powered), each must have a unique address between 1 and 14, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4.
Device Tag: Identifies the measuring point.
Long tag or message: Identifies the device on the wireless network.
Long tags are available from HART Version 6.0 onwards. For earlier versions, the
message is taken as the long tag.
To power the HART device for commissioning, e.g. through its display, a handheld device
or PACTware via a HART modem, press the pushbutton in the adapter until the red LED
flashes. The field device will then be supplied with power for 5 minutes (configurable in
adapter DTM).
It is not necessary to assign different HART addresses for different adapters
address used on the network also incorporates the serial number of the adapter and is
automatically unique to the adapter.
4 ... 20 mA devices require no pre-configuration. The scaling and any linearization are
configured within the adapter DTM.