SmartRunner Matcher*
Presentation Mode
You can demonstrate or test the sensor in Presentation mode without the assistance of a PC.
Furthermore, the control buttons are activated/deactivated.
Setting Presentation Mode
1. Connect the sensor to a power supply.
2. Align the sensor to the measurement object.
3. Teach in the measurement object by tapping button 2 on the sensor.
Figure 6.2
Result LED
The result LED lights up red.
4. Press button 1.
The trigger is activated. The result LED lights up green. The measurement object is
taught in.
The result LED lights up red if the profile contour deviates.
If the autotrigger is activated in the Vision Configurator operating software, you just need to
press button 2 to teach in the measurement object. If the autotrigger is deactivated, the trigger
must be activated by pressing button 1 once the measurement object has been taught in.