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Advanced options
Patch Utilities
The DLC-C003 allows several options to be set for each fixture or
dimmer when it is being patched. The Patch Options menu is accessed
by pressing F [Patch Utilities] while you are in patch mode. Set the
options before you start programming, because memories will play back
differently when the options are on.
The options are:
A: Invert - Allows you to invert an attribute of a fixture, so when you
set zero the output will be full. You cannot invert some attributes.
1> Select the fixtures you want to invert and turn them on so you
can see their output state
2> Select the attribute you want to invert by pressing the Attribute
Select button (some can’t be changed)
3> Press Softkey E or F to invert the attributes shown (the VDU
screen shows the inversion settings)
4> Repeat from 2 if
you want to
invert more
attributes, or 1 if
you want to
change other
5> Press Exit to
leave Invert
mode as soon as
you’ve finished,
it is easy to
invert fixtures if you leave this mode active
B: Set/Reset Instant mode - When the DLC-C003 fades LTP
(movement) channels between two memories, the LTP values normally
change smoothly. You can set Instant mode to make the channel snap
instantly to the new value.
1> Select the fixtures you want to change
2> Select the attribute you want to change (some can’t be changed)
3> Press Softkey E or F once to change the attributes shown (the
VDU screen shows the settings)
4> Repeat from 2 if you want to change more attributes, or 1 if you
want to change other fixtures.
5> Press Exit to leave Instant mode as soon as you’ve finished, it is
easy to accidentally change fixtures if you leave this mode active
C: Swap pan and tilt - If you have some fixtures mounted sideways,
it can be useful to swap the pan and tilt channels over.
1> Press softkey C
2> Press the Swop buttons of the fixtures you want to change
3> Repeat from 2 to change other fixtures.