Drive Controlled Pump
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Hydraulics Group
DCP Manual innen A4 UK.indd 06.11.17
Nominal Open Circuit Output
24 V (minimum 21 V)
Rated Output Current
140 mA : The total current available is 140 mA, either individually or as the sum of all digital outputs and
User +24 V Supply.
Overload / Short Circuit Pro-
Digital outputs
DIO1 (X12/01) – DIO4 (X12/04)
conforming to EN61131-2
RL1 (X14/01) – X14/02), RL2 (X14/03) – X14/04)
These are volt-free relay contacts
User 24 V supply output (X13/05)
Nominal Open Circuit Output Voltage 24V (minimum 21V)
Rated Output Current
140mA : The total current available is 140mA, either individually or as the sum of all digital out-
puts and User +24V Supply.
Maximum Voltage
250V ac or 30V dc
Protection against inductive or capacitive loads must be provided externally.
Maximum Current
3A resistive load