Function Parameters
AC10 Inverter
FA29 PID dead time (%)
Mfr’s value: 2.0
FA29, PID dead time has two functions. First, setting dead time can restrain PID adjustor
oscillation. The greater this value is, the lighter PID adjustor oscillation is. But if the value of
FA29 is too high, PID adjusting precision will decrease. For example: when FA29=2.0 and
FA04=70, PID adjusting will not be valid during the feedback value from 68 to 72.
FA58 Fire pressure given value (%)
Setting range:
Mfr’s value: 80.0
FA58 is also called second pressure, when the fire control terminal is valid, pressure target
value will switch into second pressure value.
FA59 Emergency fire mode
Setting range:
0: Invalid
1: Emergency fire mode 1
2: Emergency fire mode 2
Mfr’s value: 0
When emergency fire mode is valid and emergency fire terminal is valid, inverter will be
forbidden operating and protecting (When OC and OE protection occur, inverter will reset
automatically and start running) and inverter will run at the frequency of FA60 or target
frequency until inverter is broken.
Emergency fire mode 1: when the terminal is valid, inverter will run at target frequency.
Emergency fire mode 2: when the terminal is valid, inverter will run at the frequency of FA60.
FA60 Running frequency of emergency fire Setting range:
Mfr’s value: 50.0
When the emergency fire mode 2 is valid and the fire terminal is valid, inverter will run at the
frequency set by FA60.
FA62 when emergency fire
control terminal is invalid
Setting range:
0: inverter can not be stopped manually
1: inverter can be stopped manually
Mfr’s value: 0
FA62=0, when emergency fire control terminal (DIX=33) is invalid, before repower on inverter,
or reset inverter, inverter can not be stopped manually.
FA62=1, when emergency fire control terminal (DIX=33) is invalid, after quitting from
emergency fire mode, inverter can be stopped manually
TC-Hydraulik - R
sdorfer Str. 8 - 25746 Heide - Lars Lornsen - T: +49 481 909 - 34 - [email protected] -