November 1996
Shared Diagnostic Control Panel. An optional user interface that attaches to the
front of a COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier. Installed at eye level into one
COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier, it controls and monitors modems in up to
8 carriers, with a total of 128 modem cards.
Shared Diagnostic Unit. A circuit card installed in Slot 0 of the COMSPHERE
3000 Series Carrier that provides an interface between an optional SDCP and/or
network management and 3811Plus modems.
Voice Frequency. The band used for voice and data on the PSTN.
A standard for modems operating full-duplex with asynchronous or synchronous
data at 1200 bps over the dial network (PSTN).
A standard for modems operating full-duplex with asynchronous or synchronous
data at 1200 or 2400 bps over the dial network (PSTN).
A communications standard for modems operating half-duplex with synchronous
data at 7200 and 9600 bps.
A standard for modems operating full-duplex with asynchronous or synchronous
data at 4800 or 9600 bps on switched (dial) or leased telephone lines.
A standard for modems operating full-duplex with asynchronous or synchronous
data over dial networks (PSTN) or leased lines at 14,400, 12,000, 9600, 7200, or
4800 bps.
A proprietary standard for modems operating full-duplex with asynchronous or
synchronous data over dial networks (PSTN) or leased lines at 19,200 or 16,800
bps. The terbo is a pun on turbo and ter; the next iteration of the V.32
recommendation, had one been finalized, would have been V.32ter.
A standard for modems operating full-duplex with asynchronous or synchronous
data over dial networks (PSTN) or two-wire leased lines at 28,800, 26,400, 24,000,
21,600, 19,200, 16,800, 14,400, 12,000, 9600, 7200, 4800, or 2400 bps.
Wide Area Network. A WAN card in the AAC, such as the Dual E1/T1 Link Card,
provides E1/T1 termination and controls data flow.
Wireless Data Gateway. A cellular modem pool which increases the reliability of
mobile-to-host communications by optimizing the protocol performance of the
cellular and PSTN connections.