Configure the settings relating to the mail notification [Notification]
Click the [Notification] tab on the "Alarm" page. (
pages 4 and 5: How to display/operate the setup menu)
Mail notification
The settings relating to the alarm mail can be configured
in this section. To provide notification of an alarm occur-
rence by e-mail, it is necessary to configure the settings
of the mail server. (
page 42)
[Mail server >>]
When "Mail server >>" is clicked, the [Mail] tab of the
"Server" page will be displayed. (
page 42)
[Mail notification]
Select "On" or "Off" to determine whether or not to pro-
vide notification of an alarm occurrence by e-mail at an
alarm occurrence.
[Alarm image attachment]
Select "On" or "Off" to determine whether or not to
attach an image to the mail to be sent.
The settings for "Image capture size" of the "Alarm
image" section on the [Alarm] tab (
page 33) will
be applied to the size of the image to be attached.
Destination of notification
[Destination address]
Enter the destination address. Up to 4 destination
addresses can be registered.
To provide notification by e-mail when an alarm has
occurred, check the "Alarm" checkbox respective to the
desired address.
To provide notification by e-mail when any of the follow-
ing has occurred, check the "Diag." checkbox respective
to the desired address.
• When notification of the remaining capacity of the
SD memory card has been provided (
page 10)
• When the SD memory card has become full
• When mounting of the SD memory card failed
To delete the registered address, click the [Delete] but-
ton respective to the desired address.
Number of characters for the destination address:
3 - 128 characters
[Mail subject]
Enter the mail subject.
Number of characters for the mail subject:
0 - 50
[Mail body]
Enter the mail body.
Number of characters for the mail body:
0 - 200 char-
Notification mail will be sent with the following mes-
sage. (The message to be sent differs depending on
the status of the SD memory card.)
• "The SD memory card is full." (This message will
be sent when the SD memory card becomes
• "The SD memory card cannot be recognized."
(This message will be sent when the SD memory
card has failed to mount.)