DGS-7084GCP-AIO_S SERIES User’s Manual
ORing Industrial Networking Corp
30 Rate
Configure the switch port rate limit for Policers and Shapers on this page.
The logical port for the settings contained in the same row.
Policer Enabled
Enable or disable the port policer. The default value is "Disabled".
Policer Rate
Configure the rate for the port policer. The default value is "500".
This value is restricted to 500-1000000 when the "Policer Unit" is
"kbps", and it is restricted to 1-1000 when the "Policer Unit" is
Policer Unit
Configure the unit of measure for the port policer rate as kbps or
Mbps. The default value is "kbps".
Shaper Enabled
Enable or disable the port shaper. The default value is "Disabled".
Shaper Rate
Configure the rate for the port shaper. The default value is "500".
This value is restricted to 500-1000000 when the "Policer Unit" is
"kbps", and it is restricted to 1-1000 when the "Policer Unit" is
Shaper Unit
Configure the unit of measure for the port shaper rate as kbps or
Mbps. The default value is "kbps".
Click to save changes.