PULSAR Minimal Stress
Installation and operating Manual
Cod. 111001EN
2012-02-16 Rev.J
Available vacuum range: .......... 5 to 500 mmHg
Default flow rate: .................. User programmable
Available flow rate range: ........ 2 to 50cc/min
Available aspiration rise time: ... 2 to 50cc/min
Surgeon mode (linear aspiration): Linear aspiration (vacuum and/or flow rate) from 0 to preset
linearity controlled via system footswitch
Safety device: ....................... Vacuum sensor; monitors the vacuum in the aspiration line
Control: .............................. System footswitch
Handpiece type: .................... Pneumatically powered guillotine cutter (VIT)
Cutting mode: ....................... Reciprocating motion
Default cut rate: ................... User programmable
Available cutting rate: ............ From 60 to 700 cuts per minute
Single cut: ........................... Single cut mode available
Port size: ............................ Adjustable from 0,2 to 0,7mm (reusable cutters only)
Actuating medium: ................. Pressurized air from internal source
Operating pressure: ................ 190 KPa (27,5 +0/-1.5 PSI)
Surgeon mode (linear cut): ....... Linear cut rate from 0 to preset controlled via system
Control: .............................. System footswitch
Type: ................................. Bipolar generator – generator stops when RF power is not
Operating frequency: .............. 2 MHz
Nominal power: ..................... 7W (450 Ohm LOAD)
No load max. voltage: ............. 100 V
Default bipolar power: ............ User programmable
Available bipolar power: .......... 5 to 100%. SURGEON MODE (linear power): Allows linear control
of the DIATHERMY power via system footswitch depression
Handpiece type: .................... Bipolar microforceps, slim stat pencil eraser, intraocular
diathermy handpieces
Diathermy cable: ................... Two poles, 26 gauges, 75 ohm, steam autoclavable. Use only
original OPTIKON 2000 SpA diathermy cable
Control: .............................. System footswitch