PULSAR Minimal Stress
Installation and operating Manual
Cod. 111001EN
2012-02-16 Rev.J
The PULSAR unit is equipped with an interactive touch-screen LCD (Liquid Crystal
Display). The user interface consists of simple screens specifically constructed for
each function that show in the foreground the basic parameters and the sub-
functions of the unit. By means of the keyboard on the front panel, the user can
select the equipment function and adjust the relevant parameters by touching the
screen in the appropriate areas. Actual and preset values for each parameter are
displayed. The seven-section display to the right of the front panel shows the
height of the I.V. pole. If a sterile drape is placed on the monitor the equipment
can be operated by a sterile scrub nurse.
Irrigation in the PULSAR system is gravity fed. Fluid flow rate and IntraOcular
Pressure (IOP) are determined by the infusion source height. A pinch valve allows
sterile on/off control of the irrigation via the system footswitch or via the <IRR>
button on the user's graphic interface. An orange LED on the <IRR> key indicates
that the pinch valve is on.
Irrigation valve uses a linear solenoid which provides a high force and a quick
response. A solenoid is a specially designed electro-magnet used to convert
electrical energy into mechanical action: when the solenoid is energized by
depressing the footswitch, the irrigation valve plunger is retracted allowing the
irrigating solution to flow by gravity. When de-energized (footswitch released), the
plunger closes the irrigation, thus preventing the fluid movement.
The PULSAR can control an automatic electric I.V. pole that provides adjustment of
the irrigation source height.
The OPTIKON 2000 PULSAR surgery system delivers aspiration through the action of
its peristaltic pump.
Fluids and particulate materials are aspirated at the distal end of the tip and
subsequently deposited in a collection bag of the disposable or reusable circuit.
For safety the unit incorporates a negative pressure sensor that checks the negative
pressure value in the aspiration line and regulates the pump's operation. The