Installation & Operation Guide: Oncam Grandeye 360
Evolution Camera Range
Version 2.4 | January 2014 | Oncam Grandeye, 115 Hammersmith Road, London. W14 0QH. UK
T: +44 (0)20 7371 6640 | E: [email protected] | W: www.oncamgrandeye.com
The camera time is shown:
To set the current time, go to the Admin tab.
Full Resolution:
The fisheye view has been scaled down to fit in the browser page. The text
above the View Full R esolution button shows the full size of this view. S elect
this button to see the view at its full resolution. A new browser window will be
Image Controls:
The view can be adjusted using the image controls. S elect the Defaults
button to return the sliders to their default settings. Further adjustments are
available on the Image tab.