Installation & Operation Guide: Oncam Grandeye 360
Evolution Camera Range
Version 2.4 | January 2014 | Oncam Grandeye, 115 Hammersmith Road, London. W14 0QH. UK
T: +44 (0)20 7371 6640 | E: [email protected] | W: www.oncamgrandeye.com
Connecting via ONVIF Profile S or PSIA
Evolution Camera with a PSIA driver
To use a camera from the Evolution range you can use the
PSIA Conformant Device
Hardware Driver when adding
the camera hardware to your NVR System. You should set the camera to the desired codec type and resolution
before you add the camera.
Please note that the PSIA driver normally uses RTSP for transferring the video from the camera. The Evolution
camera sends the MJPEG data using the MJPEG RTP standard RFC 2435. This standard does not cater for JPEG
images with a width greater than 2040. This means RTSP cannot be used to transfer the 2144 x 1944 MJPEG
video from the camera. If you wish to stream MJPEG video at 2144 x 1944 then you will need to change the
streaming method used by the PSIA driver to HTTP Multipart streaming. This can be found under the settings tab
when the PSIA camera device is selected.
Evolution Camera with an ONVIF Profile S driver
To use a camera from the Evolution range you can use the
ONVIF Conformant Device
Hardware Driver when adding
the camera hardware to your NVR System. You should set the camera to the desired codec type and resolution
before you add the camera to your NVR system.
Please note that the ONVIF driver uses RTSP for transferring the video from the camera. The Evolution camera
sends the MJPEG data using the MJPEG RTP standard RFC 2435. This standard does not cater for JPEG images
with a width greater than 2040. This means RTSP cannot be used to transfer the 2144 x 1944 MJPEG video from
the camera. Any other MJPEG resolution or any H.264 resolution may be streamed using the ONVIF driver.
Troubleshooting and Technical Support
If your camera installation is not behaving as expected, use the following checklist to ensure that all components of
the system are working properly.
Web interface not available in browser: Use the IP Configuration Tool to confirm that you are looking at
the correct address and there are no IP address conflicts. Also check your own network settings to make
sure that the camera is on the same sub
LAN or is accessibly by routing.
Web interface fails to show a live image: Check your browser security settings.
Motion detection is not working properly: There must be at least one motion detection region defined
and In Use. On the Motion Detection panel, the VMD mode must be set to Motion Detection. Check the
size and sensitivity controls to ensure that movement is detected.
Camera image stops or drops frames: This is probably due to a network connectivity problem, especially
for cameras connected to wireless networks or the public Internet. Try reducing the JPEG quality or
resolution settings in the camera Web interface.
One portion of the image is over or under
exposed: Set the Brightness or try using an EV setting which
will add ‘over exposure’ or ‘under exposure’ to the light in the scene.
There is a bright area in the scene and no detail can be seen with in it, but there is also dark areas in
the scene and no detail can be seen here either: Enable the WDR feature. This will make the dark areas
brighter but will not affect the bright areas. Then by adjusting the EV settings so the bright areas are be
under exposed and the dark areas will now be over exposed. Depending on the light differences the WDR
settings can be adjusted so to obtain the best image.