Installation & Operation Guide: Oncam Grandeye 360
Evolution Camera Range
Version 2.4 | January 2014 | Oncam Grandeye, 115 Hammersmith Road, London. W14 0QH. UK
T: +44 (0)20 7371 6640 | E: [email protected] | W: www.oncamgrandeye.com
Dome Handling and Cleaning
The standard dome used in the Evolution enclosure is made of a polycarbonate (PC) polymer. Care must be taken
when handling or cleaning PC bubbles so as to not scratch the surface.
Always handle the dome by the outside edge of the flange or trim ring assembly.
When handling domes, contact with the inside surface of the dome should be avoided.
If dust or other surface contaminants accumulate in the dome’s interior, it should be removed with clean,
dry air pressure (compressed air cans).
If heavy residue (spots, streaks, stains) or any other contaminants are present only on the surface of the
dome, these can be removed with a solution of a mild liquid dish detergent or isopropyl alcohol and water
and lint free “soft” paper towels or a microfiber cloth. After cleaning, the affected area of the dome should
be blown off with clean, dry air.
Scratches or other surface blemishes within the material of the dome may possibly be removed by
applying a non-abrasive wax (Megiuars #18 or equivalent) with a microfiber cloth to the affected area.
Again, after waxing, remove dust or lint with clean, dry air.
Excessive pressure or rubbing on the dome’s surface
can cause permanent scratches that may render
the dome unusable.