Installation & Operation Guide: Oncam Grandeye 360
Evolution Camera Range
Version 2.4 | January 2014 | Oncam Grandeye, 115 Hammersmith Road, London. W14 0QH. UK
T: +44 (0)20 7371 6640 | E: [email protected] | W: www.oncamgrandeye.com
Planning Your Deployment
Camera placement is an important factor in planning your deployment. If your goal is to provide comprehensive
coverage of a very wide area, then look for a mounting position with an unobstructed view.
Ceiling Mount
Ceiling mounting is preferred if most of the action is occurring below you on a horizontal plane. A good example is
an indoor shopping mall or a hotel lobby. Small to mid
sized rooms can be very effectively covered with a single
camera placed in the middle of the ceiling. Use to monitor doorways, customer service counters, or other areas of
special interest. A top
of head shot is captured when someone stands directly below the camera, but much more of
their face and body will become visible as they move away in any direction.
Wall Mount
If you want to get closer to a subject to see under their hats and hair, then a wall
mounted position is best. Wall
mountings below 1.8 metres (6 feet) can be obstructed by people walking by and, if the camera is mounted too
high, the upper portion of the view is wasted. Vertically oriented scenes, such as escalators and cityscapes, are very
well suited to wall mounting. The ideal shot will be found somewhere near the middle height and far enough away
from the object to get a full view. This position places an equal amount of the view above and below the mid
Transportation applications should use a wall
mount configuration for views outside of the vehicle. Ceiling mounting
is often not practical because it is difficult to get the camera high enough above the ground. For views inside the
vehicle, a ceiling
mounted camera is quite acceptable.
Some Examples
One ceiling
mounted camera can cover an
entire room.