Installation & Operation Guide: Oncam Grandeye 360
Evolution Camera Range
Version 2.4 | January 2014 | Oncam Grandeye, 115 Hammersmith Road, London. W14 0QH. UK
T: +44 (0)20 7371 6640 | E: [email protected] | W: www.oncamgrandeye.com
Note: R TS P streaming occurs when the stream request UR L uses the prefix rtsp://. It is not possible to stream the
MJ PEG 4M pixel camera stream using R TS P. The HTTP streaming method is available but this does not include
With audio enabled, when an RTSP connection is made to the camera to view video, an additional mono audio
channel will be streamed to the player. The audio uses the G.711 mu-law codec. The audio operates with both
H.264 and MJPEG video streams.
Note that video is not available over RTSP for a 4M pixel MJPEG video stream. MJPEG video of this size can only
be streamed via HTTP.
Factory Defaults
A factory reset can be achieved in three ways
1. Factory Reset Button – Physical Button
Using the external recessed reset button on the side of the camera module by using a ball point pen.
Whilst the camera is powered up, press and hold the Factory Default reset button for 3 seconds on the
side of the camera module. When the camera has restarted, all the camera settings will be reset to factory
settings, see below.
2. On screen ‘Factory Default’ button – Software Button
Via the camera’s webpage ‘Admin’ screen, click the FAC TORY DEFAULTS reset button on screen
A warning message will pop up on screen.
3. Remote ‘Factory Default’ reset via the Oncam Grandeye camera configuration tool (software)
Via the camera configuration tool, tick the camera(s) that are required to be factory default reset. Under the
camera configuration tab, in the send command to camera type
click the 'S end' button.
To complete the factory default reset, click on the 'R eboot' button to reboot the camera. Only after the
camera has rebooted will the camera reset back to factory defaults.
A message will appear on the screen after the 'S end' request and the 'R eboot' request has been actioned.