Trajexia Tools interface
on 3.0
fig. 38
Samples per division
: The oscilloscope defaults to recording five
points per horizontal (time base) grid division. This value can be
adjusted using the adjacent scroll bar.
To achieve the fastest possible sample rate reduce the number of
samples per grid division to 1, and increase the time base scale to
its fastest value (1 servo period per grid division).
Table range used for data capture
: The controller records the
required parameter data values as table data prior to uploading
these values to the window. By default, the lowest oscilloscope
table value used is zero. However, if this conflicts with programs
running on the controller which might also require this section of the
table, the lower table value can be changed.
The upper oscilloscope table value is subsequently automatically
updated based on the number of channels in use and the number
of samples per grid division. If you enter a lower table value which
causes the upper table value to exceed the maximum permitted
value on the controller, then the original value is used by the
Table Data Graph
: It is possible to plot controller table values
directly, the table limit text boxes enable the user to enter up to four
sets of first/last table indices.
Parameter checks
If analogue inputs are being recorded, then the fastest oscilloscope
resolution (sample rate) is the number of analogue channels in
msec (ie 2 analogue inputs infers the fastest sample rate is 2msec).
The resolution is calculated by dividing the time base scale value
by the number of samples per grid division.
It is not possible to enter table channel values in excess of the
controller maximum TABLE size, nor to enter a lower oscilloscope
table value. Increasing the samples per grid division to a value
which causes the upper oscilloscope table value to exceed the
controller maximum table value is also not permitted.
If the number of samples per grid division is increased, and
subsequently the time base scale is set to a faster value which
causes an unobtainable resolution, the oscilloscope automatically
resets the number of samples per grid division.
I52E-EN-03.book Seite 215 Freitag, 29. Juni 2007 11:55 11