Bit No.
Pulse stop
Position Control (Cn-02 bit 2 = 0)
Disables the pulse stop input.
Internal speed control settings (Cn-02 bit 2 = 1)
Command pulses aren’t received when
PCL and NCL are OFF.
F =
Position Control (Cn-02 bit 2 = 0)
Enables the pulse stop input.
Internal speed control settings (Cn-02 bit 2 = 1)
Command pulses aren’t received when
PCL and NCL are OFF. (Position control is
performed with the internal speed control
settings and the pulse-train input.)
Note 1. If power is immediately turned back on after having been cut off, a momentary stop alarm may
be generated. If bit no. 5 is set to “1,” the alarm will be cleared automatically even if it is gener-
ated, and operation will resume.
Note 2. If set bit 6 to “1” and bit 8 to “0,” the dynamic brake relay will turn OFF after the Servomotor
stops, regardless of the setting of bit no. 7.
Note 3. With P control switch conditions, a change from PI control to P control is selected.
Note 4. Do not change the setting of bits 1 and E of setup parameter no. 1 (Cn-01) when a Servomotor
with an incremental encoder is being used.
Note 5. These parameters become effective only after power is reset. Confirm that the indicators go
out before turning power back on. (Check to see that the LED display has gone off.)
Note 6. The position loop will not be effective when stopping in this mode.
Supplementary Materials
Chapter 6
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