Creating and Editing Master Parameters
Write to File/Write to Device
1, 2, 3...
1. Click on “Write to File” or “Write to Device.”
When “Write to File” has been selected, a window will be displayed to input
the filename of the desired file.
When “Write to Device” has been selected, a window will be displayed to
confirm that data will be written to the specified Master. (This can be
executed only when editing Master parameters online.)
2. When writing the parameters to a file, specify the filename and click on “OK.”
When writing the parameters to a Master, just click on “OK.”
Note When the Master parameters have been created with the “Create Master
Parameters” command, the parameters will be lost when the command is exited
unless they are written to a file.
When the Master parameters have been edited from a network configuration file
or device list information, the data is saved within the computer as network con-
figuration information.
Ending the “Create Master Parameters” Process
1, 2, 3...
1. Click on “Close” in the bottom-right corner of the window. A confirmation
window will be displayed.
2. Click on “OK” to end the process.
3-6-4 Creating Master Parameters with the “Wizard”
This section describes how to create Master parameters simply using the inter-
active Master parameter wizard. Remote I/O must be allocated in node address
order with the wizard, but the I/O allocation can be changed later by editing the
Master parameters.
To change the remote I/O allocation, first save the parameters in a Master
parameters file, specify the Master Unit from the device list, and change the
allocation with the “Edit Device Parameters” command.
Refer to 3-6-3 Creating Master Parameters Independently for details on using
the “Create Master Parameters” command to allocate words for remote I/O com-
munications one Slave at a time.
Setting the Master and PC Model
1, 2, 3...
1. Select “FIle” from the menu bar.
2. Select “Master Parameter Wizard” from the File menu.
3. Select the model (Unit) of the Master Unit and the model of the PC to which
the Master is mounted. Click on “Next.”