2.2 Datalog X-PRO Insight: Parts
Figure 2-1 Overview of uncovered Datalog X-PRO
1. Main board (P/N X-PRO1.0 BOARD):
The base board takes care of the multiple detected
sensors and delivers data to the communications module. This part includes main supply and
battery terminals; ports for 3 sensors and the chosen communications module; as well as an
in-built accelerometer.
2. Communication module (P/N X-PRO1.0-Sigfox):
It is responsible for the wireless transmission
of data, in real time, to any platform that allows remote monitoring of the process.
Communication modules are connected to
Remote Monitoring System by default, but they
could be ordered to correspond to another platform.
May be:
Detachable board Sigfox Ready, RC2 902 – 905Mhz / RC4 920 -923Mhz, 22dBm ERP.
Inbuilt Wi-Fi® module (IEEE 802.11) 2.4 GHz transmission.
Figure 2-2 Sigfox communication module.
www.omicroning.co March 2020