6.3 Connect Datalog X-PRO to a Wi-Fi® network
6.4 Connect Datalog X-PRO to Sigfox® Wireless Networks
Section 7: Centriomega® Remote Control and Monitoring Platform
7.1 Access to Centriomega® Remote Monitoring Platform
7.3 Reviewing Devices, their Variables, and Configuration
7.4 Reviewing Alarms and Programmed Events
Appendix A: Specifications and Reference Data
A.1.1 Performance specifications
A.1.2 Functional specifications
Appendix B: Installation Procedure for a New Sensor
Appendix C: Sensor Connection Guide
C.1 Analog 4 to 20 mA Sensor Interface P/N ANA-420mA
C.2 Analog 0-10 V Sensor Interface P/N ANA-010V
C.3 Digital Binary (dry-contact, switches) Sensor Interface P/N DIG_DIY1
C.4 Digital RS-485 Modbus Interface P/N DIG_MOD485
C.5 Digital I2C Sensor Interface
C.6 Digital Temperature Sensor (1-Wire) P/N DIG-TEMP1
www.omicroning.co March 2020