The light indicator on the Home page becomes green when the Setpoint compositions are reached and are
How to assemble CO2-O2-UNIT-BL [0-10; 0-1] with a Bold Line T controller
CO2-O2-UNIT-BL [0-10; 0-1] can be used as a stand-alone device or in combination with any one of the
Bold Line T controllers.
Figure 20 shows how to assemble CO2-O2-UNIT-BL [0-10; 0-1], for example, with a H301-T UNIT-BL-
Figure 20. CO2-O2-UNIT-BL [0-10; 0-1] and H301-T-UNIT-BL-PLUS.
CO2-O2-UNIT-BL [0-10; 0-1] must stack on top of the Bold Line T controller by lining up the bus ports
located on the top and bottom surface of each unit. When the units are properly connected the Temperature and
CO2/O2 parameters will appear on the OKO-TOUCH Touch Screen interface Home page.
If not all the parameters appear on OKO-TOUCH Home Page then the Control Units are not properly
connected. Please check that the bus ports are properly aligned (see Figure 21).