You can filter the display to cells with temperatures above or below a value you specify.
6.2.7. Open Wire
The Open Wire accordion lists open wire diagnostics for all Cells configured in the Configuration file.
Cells that are not configured are displayed as a
(hyphen). Diagnostic data that is highlighted in
yellow indicates an open wire.
Figure 54. Open Wire accordion in Details Tab
To trigger diagnostics on all cells, click the "Acquire Open Wire Ratios" button. Once clicked, the open
wire scanning process begins.
Figure 55. Open Wire acquiring accordion in Details Tab
Once the open wire scanning has completed and all diagnostics data is collected it is displayed in a
tabular format with open wires highlighted in yellow.
Figure 56. Open Wire diagnostics accordion in Details Tab
The diagnostic values displayed are ratios of Voltage. Values very close to one ( > 0.97) indicate a
short condition. Values approaching zero (0.0 to 0.4) indicate an open wire connection.
Depending on whether you are using 12 or 16 channel battery management system modules or
monobloc battery management system modules, they will display different diagnostics information.
Nuvation Energy High-Voltage BMS - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-003
Rev 1.2, 2021-03-03
Curie Update 1