Figure 49. Safety accordion in Details Tab
Clicking on the
Clear Faults and Warnings
button at the bottom of this accordion will clear any faults
and warnings that are not self-clearing. The
button on the Dashboard can also be used.
Figure 50. Bottom of Safety accordion in Details Tab
6.2.5. Cell Voltages
The Cell Voltages accordion lists voltage measurements for all Cells configured in the Configuration
file. Cells that are not configured are displayed as a
(hyphen). Voltages in red indicate
measurements which have triggered a Nuvation Energy BMS fault. Voltages that are highlighted in
yellow are open wires. There is no differentiation between cells that are in the normal operating
voltage range and cells that have triggered a Nuvation Energy BMS warning. There is also no
indication of which particular cells are currently being balanced by the BMS.
Nuvation Energy High-Voltage BMS - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-003
Rev 1.2, 2021-03-03
Curie Update 1