6.1.2. Stack Voltage
The stack voltage radial meter shows the total battery stack voltage.
6.1.3. Stack Current
The stack current radial gauge shows the battery stack current as well as the maximum charge
current limit and the maximum discharge current limit. The acceptable current range is visualized on
the gauge by the blue arc. An absence of the blue arc indicates the battery stack cannot be charged
or discharged in its present condition.
A negative current value indicates the battery stack is charging. A positive current value indicates the
battery stack is discharging.
6.1.4. State-of-Charge
The State-of-Charge radial gauge shows the battery stack’s State-of-Charge. The battery stack is
empty when the State-of-Charge value is 0% and full when the State-of-Charge value is 100%.
Nuvation Energy High-Voltage BMS - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-003
Rev 1.2, 2021-03-03
Curie Update 1