4.2.2. Ensure system is de-energized
Ensure that the service disconnect switch, input power breaker, and the fan power breaker are in the
Service Disconnect
The manual service disconnect switch is accessible on the front of the Stack Switchgear. Use the
lock-out/tag-out to ensure that the battery stack does not connect to the DC bus or power
conversion system during installation.
Ensure the service disconnect switch is in the
position and lock-out/tag-out the switch.
Figure 12. Service Disconnect
The service disconnect switch removes power to the internal contactors—it does not
physically break the connection (this is done by the contactors themselves).
In the event of damage to the internal contactors (i.e. a welded contactor), the
service disconnect switch cannot guarantee that the DC bus has been disconnected
from the battery. It is therefore recommended to check for voltage present on the
Battery Stack and DC Bus terminals with a voltmeter before working on the stack to
ensure the contactors have opened fully.
Fan Power
An inline breaker provides the ability to turn off fan control for the Stack Switchgear. Ensure the
breaker is in the
Figure 13. Fan Power Breaker
Nuvation Energy High-Voltage BMS - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-003
Rev 1.2, 2021-03-03
Curie Update 1