Nexland ISB SOHO: Interface Screens
Static IP & DNS
If you have a Static IP account from your ISP or are using the ISB behind another
gateway device, enter the network information here. This screen is similar to a
computer's “Network Properties” screen.
: The IP address of the external (WAN) side of the ISB.
Network Mask
: This mask is used to determine where packets are sent (internal or
external). Custom ISP accounts might require a change; otherwise leave it at its
default of (Class "C" network).
: Needed by the ISB to know where to send WAN packets.
Domain Name Servers
: Up to three Domain Name Servers can be entered. These are
needed for Static accounts. Entries are not needed for standard (dynamic) Internet
accounts, or accounts where a DHCP server gives out the information. But you can
override and enter your own settings for any Internet account.
Click Save after entering all information.
Nexland ISB SOHO: Interface Screens
Most of the information on this screen should be self-explanatory.
Physical Address
is the MAC address of the ISB, both LAN and WAN.
If you have trouble accessing the Internet, confirm that you have a WAN IP address.
If you do, there might be a DNS or other problem at your ISP. In any case, have this
screen handy when calling Nexland Support.