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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
VMD Extend Time: Used with the VMD Trigger. Extends any momentary VMD event to the time in
seconds entered in to this box.
Alarm Extend Time: Used with the Alarm Input Trigger. Extends any momentary alarm event
detected to the time in seconds entered in to this box.
User Append Active: A freeform list for appending actions on expression active. Tick on the box
VMD to add Active Append Strings to VMD Expressions. Tick on the box Alarm to add Active
Append Strings to Alarm Expressions.
User Append Inactive: A freeform list for appending actions on expression inactive. Tick on the box
VMD to add Inactive Append Strings to VMD Expressions. Tick on the box Alarm to add Inactive
Append Strings to Alarm Expressions.
Set: If ticked, actions will be taken if the detector is in SET mode (can be controlled using Alarm
input 19, an SIA Alarm Panel or some other input).
Unset: If ticked, actions will be taken if the detector is in UNSET mode (can be controlled using
Alarm input 19, an SIA Alarm Panel or some other input).
Activity Profile Change: If ticked, activity detection will change the recording profile from NORMAL
to EVENT while activity detection event is active and then back to NORMAL when the event ends.
VMD Profile Change: If ticked, VMD will change the recording profile from NORMAL to EVENT
while the VMD event is active and then back to NORMAL when the event ends.
Alarm Profile Change: If ticked, an alarm event will change the recording profile from NORMAL to
EVENT while the alarm event is active and then back to NORMAL when the event ends.
DB VMD Entry: If ticked a VMD event will create a database entry, allowing the event to be found
by event searches of Enterprise Observer and Pick-a-Point Software.
DB Alarm Entry: If ticked an Alarm Input event will create a database entry, allowing the event to be
found by event searches of Enterprise Observer and Pick-a-Point Software.
Report VMD: If ticked a VMD event will be reported to an RVRC.
Report Alarm: If ticked a Alarm event will be reported to an RVRC.
– Expressions Editor page