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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
The patented Flame algorithm utilises the detection and measurement of pixels conforming with
the physical laws of a Black Body emitter. The ‘colours’ in a flame are the Black Body emissions
from soot particles. While there are a number of parameters available, they rarely require
adjustment, other than to ensure a match with the appropriate hardware / lens setup.
It is important that the correct calibrations are applied for a given lens, sensor, IR bandpass filter
etc, which are configured below the algorithm indication images.
QE File
The Quantum Energy transform file for the CMOS sensor
currently only this device
Lens File
Specific to the lens fitted.
IR Cut File
Specifies the transfer characteristics of the bandpass IR cut filter used. Currently, only
this IR filter is in use.
Thermal Threshold
Specified temperature above which, or below which, an alarm will be tripped.
Blue Error Range
a threshold for determining colour against intensity. It may be appropriate to
consider an increased value if flames with a chemical content resulting in a colour change are
Intensity Offset
This is the intensity transform value, in this case for a lens at F4.0. (Note that
Multi-Detectors an intensity offset of -27 is more typical as these operate at F1.4).
Intensity Error Range
Variation in intensity from the Planckian Locus value for that colour or
temperature. A higher value gives greater tolerance due to dirt or contamination on the Detector
lens, at the expense of a greater risk of false positives.
Green Adjust / Blue Adjust
Rarely requires adjustment
part of the overall colour and intensity